Sunday, September 21, 2008


World Aids Day is coming up in December! Each year, Americans search about AIDS on Google the most on December 1st, and each year since 2004, there has consistently been less searching for it. This is disappointing to the blogger at because he believes searching for info on the internet will make Americans more aware of the danger of the epidemic. He says if we research it, we can help prevent it from spreading, which is most likely true. However, the decline in searching for AIDS on Google could be because as more people are aware, fewer people search it because they already searched it or they heard about it from someone. At any rate, this is a good effort to mitigate AIDS infection and spreading. sorry this is such a late post, pete

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Cheesesteak Blog Response

We all know Philadelphia is the best city for eating cheesesteaks - the only one I would go to. We have Pat's, Geno's, Jim's, etc. We have a selection that we cannot complain about. The blogger at thinks customers pick their favorite cheesesteak place because of the atmosphere that the restaurant/vendor sends to the customers. Do you agree, or do you think it is because of the taste of the cheesesteak? What is your favorite cheesesteak place?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

response to dumbest generation

i agreed with him when he stated that teachers baby us and we get too much attention. Whenever we play a sport, run a race, play a game - we get a reward regardless of our performance. At the Abington Invitational, they give us ribbons that everyone gets. it's the dumbest thing ever. most of them end up in the garbage before the end of the day.

i disagree with the IMing point because with IMs, we do not have to be gramatically correct. we can decipher what our friend is saying by reading it. not capitalizing my sentences, like in this blog is not a crime. it is my blog and the people reading it can read what it says just fine. it still gets the point across.

I agree with the alternative article in that he stated it is not the fault of the children or students of today, but the adults who administer the education and attitude - teachers and parents. Parents baby us and teachers reward us for doing what is expected of us. Back in the '60s, according to my dad, his parents did not praise their children every minute. They praised them or congratulated them when they did something great. I think parents baby children today because they got the opposite treatment when they were kids, and they want to show their kids love.